Just sayin' whatever whenever. Visit my Youtube channel as http://www.youtube.com/mybigbearron.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
To the husband in my dreams,
I've made toast an coffee this morning. How shall we spend this day, you and I?
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Facebook Update on November 10, 2012
Please introduce yourself when you send a "friend" request to me.
First, Christianity is my faith of choice, and it a cornerstone of my life.
That said, some of my friends are not Christians. They are some of the nicest, most awesome people I know, and I welcome them to share their thoughts openly with me.
That said, some of the nicest, most awesome people I know are Christian, and I welcome them to share their thoughts openly with me.
That said, some of the meanest, most abrasive, most narrow minded, most bigoted, most prejudiced, most judgmental people I know are in all camps -- Christian, Atheist, Pantheists, non-theist, etc.
I'm a hopeless romantic Christian Gay devoted wife kinda man hoping to find a husband. I've always been (and always will be) dead set against NSA, hookups, open relationship, cheating, and the like. I know that narrows the field a lot.
I spent the first eighteen years of my life (1957-1977) growing up where ever my dad was stationed while he worked his career in the US Air Force -- Texas, Maryland, Alaska, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Georgia.
I spent the next few years going to colleges (Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri) and trying to figure out how to not be gay so I wouldn't go to hell. I had been dreaming of having a husband ever since I was twelve. So, I got married and sired children (hoping to cure myself) -- I ended up helping to set a lot pain and difficulty in motion for people (each person has his/her own valid spin on all the matters).
Around 1989 court papers made the divorce final. Qualifying for a job that would enable me to get through the Child Support years, was my priority. It's a long story full of short stories. I struggled to make the child support payments while going through college (again). I missed some. I picked an easy academic major (Home Economics) to get the job done, and I taught middle school Home Economics to get me through the child support years.
I was in my early 40's when I fell in love with a specific man. Until then, it had happened only in my dreams. Until then, I had had many crushes on many boys (my age) and men (around my age). Finally, I entered that world of romance and bliss.
I didn't plan to fall in love with someone who lived half a world away. Does anyone "plan" where and how he/she will fall in love? I could dive into all sorts of psycho babble about all sorts of matters at work in the mix. I was in my early 40's and I was, for the first time in my life, enjoying romantic bliss. I decided to enjoy it as much as I could.
For several years, I traveled to the Philippines from Atlanta. I spent summers there doing as much venturing about the country as I could. I saw so much that was so different from life as I knew it. I saw so much that was so much the same. Hugs, kisses, cuddling, romantic moments -- under clear starry nights, along peaceful shores, here, there, and everywhere -- were continually in the mix. I had his name added next to mine in the book of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers." I began an investment into a studio apartment there. I was in it for keeps.
At the beginning of the summer of 2007, shortly after my arrival in Manila, he confessed to me he had been unfaithful and had been tested HIV+. While there, I insisted that he be re-tested. The results were the same. We agreed it was best for us to end that relationship.
I fell in love again, but after I lost my job as a teacher in the USA. Years before, I had posted some pictures of me wearing skimpy clothes (beach wear during travel times) on some internet pages and some students and parents found them. They complained and the school board made it's recommendations. I resigned my position. I returned to the Philippines, met a new guy and his family. He told the whole family and all his friends that we had committed ourselves to each other. With open arms, everyone accepted that. They accepted me. It felt like a God-send.
I helped him finish his university education. We shared with the world (on Youtube). It seemed like a perfect romance.
I hadn't thought about any job in South Korea. Instead, I went to truck driving school, and began driving 18-wheeler trucks. After a major accident (not my fault), my employment was terminated. Then, a Youtube subscriber suggested a job in South Korea. I didn't jump on it just to be closer to the Philippines. I jumped on it, because I was desperate for a job, and I saw it as obtainable. I was headed for bankruptcy as it was (although I have never yet filed), at least I could survive, live, and learn some more. I had finished paying all my child support. I had paid off my educational loans. Within two months after applying, I left everything behind in the USA, and started again from scratch. I landed in Korea in October, 2008.
Since landing in South Korea, I've returned to the USA twice to visit my family, and to the Philippines to visit my "husband" and family there.
In in the middle of 2011, he sent me an email -- "I've been cheating on you. Can we be friends?" It turned out (as he said) that he had been cheating on me for over a year and a half.
In February, 2012, my boss asked me "Didn't they tell you?"
"Didn't they tell me what?" I asked.
"We're closing the school at the end of the month." (barely two weeks away).
They still owed me salary for half of January.
They owed me three years of severance pay, but were never able to pay it.
Within two weeks (thanks to a company manager), I interviewed and was hire for a new teaching position in another town. Suddenly, I was thrust into the new immigration rules of South Korea and had to obtain fresh documents from the USA. Thanks to my sister and mom, I was able to get all that done.
Consequently, due to my losses in salary, I ended up losing my investment in the studio I was purchasing in the Philippines.
Gosh! I've been such a loser at so many things! Yet, I've enjoyed so much too. What will the balance yield in the end?
I've enjoy my new job. I've enjoyed living in the new town. But, I've hated the dating scenario here in South Korea. I'm not saying it's different from anywhere else. I'm simply saying I've not liked it at all. Seems like everyone is set on "No Strings Attached," secrecy, deceit, no commitment, rush for sex, and open relationships. Much of it seems like a game of carefully saying things to avoid out right lying about motives and pursuits, but (at the same time) avoid telling the whole truth.
Looks like I'm becoming an old maid.
I don't know what God has up His sleeve. I never do know. I've decided to not worry about that. I've decided to not worry about "tomorrow" to much.
I don't know what I will do after my time in South Korea ends. But, life has been full of pleasant surprises too.
I pray for wisdom.
That's my spin for now, and I'm sticking to it. Have a nice day!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Dear Mr. Obama, With all due respect,
Dear Mr. Obama,
With all due respect, please do not wait three years (two years, a year and a half, you get the idea) before demonstrating your unambiguous work on Gay Marriage. Many people have pinned their "hopes" on your own words. We're counting on you!
Seriously and Sincerely,
Ronald S. Batson
With all due respect, please do not wait three years (two years, a year and a half, you get the idea) before demonstrating your unambiguous work on Gay Marriage. Many people have pinned their "hopes" on your own words. We're counting on you!
Seriously and Sincerely,
Ronald S. Batson
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I wanted to be like my mother....
For months straight, I prayed every night, "Dear God, turn me into a girl." Following that line, while praying to God, I detailed all the things in my life that would have to be changed. I was not yet thirteen years old. Truth be said, I didn't know much about the realities of living life as a girl. All I really knew for sure was that I steadily dreamed of having a husband (a man of my dreams to whom I could be faithful) and that I was a sissy boy. I also knew that I didn't want to become a girl's boyfriend, bride's groom, a wife's husband, a family's man of the house, a father, a daddy, a sports player, a mechanic, a carpenter.... In my prayers, I even set a date and I remember waking up hoping that God had fulfilled my request. Did I mention that I was not yet thirteen years old?
Some time after that, as I can remember, a Dear Abby column got my attention. In a letter to her, some man had expressed his never ending desire to become a woman to which she replied with an address where he could get more information about sex reassignment. By that time, I didn't want to be a girl anymore, but I could relate myself so much to what the man said in his letter. I was enjoying life in my own body, but there were things I just didn't want to become, roles I never aspired to play. Instead there other things I wanted to become, roles I wanted to play in real life.
No matter how highly I esteemed any of the men in my life, I didn't want to become like any of them (although the man of my dreams was like them). But, there were women (who were married to the men of their dreams) who I wanted to be like in some way or another. I wanted to be like that pastor's wife I admired so much in Atlanta. I wanted to play a Hammond organ as much like her as I could and have a minister for a husband (the man of my dreams) by whose side I could always be. I loved going to church in those days. I wanted to be a good cook and a good housekeeper like my mother and my grandmothers (faithfully living with the man of my dreams). I learned how to play church music on a Hammond organ and on the piano. I learned how to sew, cook, and keep house. I still think, as my grandmothers used to say of me, I could make a pretty good wife for someone someday.
Some time after that, as I can remember, a Dear Abby column got my attention. In a letter to her, some man had expressed his never ending desire to become a woman to which she replied with an address where he could get more information about sex reassignment. By that time, I didn't want to be a girl anymore, but I could relate myself so much to what the man said in his letter. I was enjoying life in my own body, but there were things I just didn't want to become, roles I never aspired to play. Instead there other things I wanted to become, roles I wanted to play in real life.
No matter how highly I esteemed any of the men in my life, I didn't want to become like any of them (although the man of my dreams was like them). But, there were women (who were married to the men of their dreams) who I wanted to be like in some way or another. I wanted to be like that pastor's wife I admired so much in Atlanta. I wanted to play a Hammond organ as much like her as I could and have a minister for a husband (the man of my dreams) by whose side I could always be. I loved going to church in those days. I wanted to be a good cook and a good housekeeper like my mother and my grandmothers (faithfully living with the man of my dreams). I learned how to play church music on a Hammond organ and on the piano. I learned how to sew, cook, and keep house. I still think, as my grandmothers used to say of me, I could make a pretty good wife for someone someday.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Roy Knight Singers "On the Next Cloud"
I love the way they do this song. I've always enjoyed this lady's voice. It's one that stays in my mind a lot.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
"The Boss" Bruce Springsteen Supports Marriage Equality
"The Boss" Bruce Springsteen Supports Marriage Equality: When the question of marriage equality is on the ballot in 4 states this year, It's wonderful to see this legend voice his support. I love the graphic and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to share it with others.
While I think that marriage equality should never be put up to a popular vote, we still need to fight for our rights at the ballot box. The religious bigots are bringing the fight and we need to as well!

While I think that marriage equality should never be put up to a popular vote, we still need to fight for our rights at the ballot box. The religious bigots are bringing the fight and we need to as well!
"The Boss" Bruce Springsteen Supports Marriage Equality
"The Boss" Bruce Springsteen Supports Marriage Equality: When the question of marriage equality is on the ballot in 4 states this year, It's wonderful to see this legend voice his support. I love the graphic and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to share it with others.
While I think that marriage equality should never be put up to a popular vote, we still need to fight for our rights at the ballot box. The religious bigots are bringing the fight and we need to as well!

While I think that marriage equality should never be put up to a popular vote, we still need to fight for our rights at the ballot box. The religious bigots are bringing the fight and we need to as well!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
OK! Ok! I've been through several love lives....
Who am I kidding? Who really reads this stuff? It's boring run of the mill kind of stuff. Of course, I'm not including ALL the details that would make this ever so much longer than it already is. I'm just venting a bit and inviting anyone, who wants to, to ride along.
I won't lie to you. I've enjoyed each and every one of my love lives, and I see no reason why I should stop trying to find that final one who will last forever. Maybe I'll never find such a one and only. Maybe, down deep, I really don't want to. Seems like a nice idea to think about for awhile. But, sometimes, it doesn't seem so nice. I'm not saying that I've enjoyed the way they've all ended. While they lasted, the going was good, and, if, while trying to find that one-and-only with whom I'll live happily ever after, I live through more love lives, I think I'll be okay. In fact, I might be better off with the pleasant memories to bank on. Why frown because they ended when I can smile because they happened?
I guess way down deep, I've liked some things about these journeys. When I've not been devoting myself to someone in particular, I've liked meeting someone whenever, how ever, and where ever, and letting it blossom into something I've wanted to keep. I've enjoyed falling in love, giving it my best and making the most of it for as long as it has lasted. I've liked each journey, and the sum total of all of them even when we got to "the end" sooner than I'd ever wanted.
I've not minded (and still don't mind) having been being dumped by any of the guys. After all, obviously, that became the open doors for both of us to go through and move on to enjoy living our lives. What I've not liked, though, has been the dishonesty I began to discover as the guy who was dumping me tried to feed me his surprising, hit and run, end of the discussion (what discussion?) announcement and rationale about it.
Let me make it clear that I'm not a sainted man (never was, never will be). I've fucked up! Excuse me for saying that. I don't like saying the "f" word, but it's an apt description of my own doings (I know what goes around comes around). I've been the villian in a case or two, and my deeds therein have (in spite of all my efforts to forget them) continued to haunt me now and then. I hope I've become a better man because of them, and I hope the guys (I'm not saying how many) have enjoyed wonderful lives of their own ever since in spite (is that one word or two?) of everything.
Not all "dumpings" have been bad. Then, I don't usually call them "dumping." Usually, I call them just parting company with a happy (although sad) ending. During one love life, the guy and I knew from the start that it would last only so long, but we decided to go with it, and make the best of it. We did weekend travel together and enjoyed our time together marvelously. He and I went grocery shopping together. Every time he came to my place, he pitched in, immediately, and helped tidy the place up. He cleaned my floors. He helped fold the laundry. We showered together. We soaked in hot tubs together. There was not a moment with him that I did not enjoy, and he expressed the same sentiments towards me. But, we knew he was soon to receive his visa documents that would allow him to pursue his studies in another country. It was all good. Why can't all love lives begin, carry on, and end so well?
But, some dumpings have been absolutely rotten. Don't you just hate it when they send you an email and confess that they've been cheating for a year or two (after telling you time and time again that they will always love you as you are, no matter what, come what may and all the while accepting all your generous investments into the relationship [yea, I guess I'm a sucker]) while you were away? Don't you just hate it when they suddenly say something like "we are history" and then they try to shift the blame on you by saying (before the real truth comes out in the wash) something like "you seemed different while we were texting." Don't you hate it when they say something like, "I've got HIV now (because I've been... with at least a dozen people while you were away), please stay calm, what do you want to do?" Or, how about this one. "Why didn't you tell me you didn't want me to meet other guys?" (OMFG!!!!!!)
As I said, it's not the dumping part that's so rotten. I've learned to live with that part, and, frankly, I'd rather we both part company to live our own lives and enjoy memories of our sweet times together than that we endure something we really didn't want, and I want to continue thinking of each person as handsome, sweet, wonderful, golden, angelic. I hate when situations tarnish those images.
So, what else is new under the sun? We win a few. We lose a few. The potential for pain is as great as the potential for joy. We live on! The rotten part (and I know it comes with the territory) is well the rotten part -- that baggage of dishonesty that follows and inserts hell into the heaven we had (and still have [at least in my memories]). Need I say more?
Now, on to the next love life...!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Dear God,
Dear God,
Tonight, out of the clear blue, my boss told me to go with her brother to the supermarket and buy some groceries. I really didn't need her to do that. I wasn't low on food. I've actually been in pretty good shape inspite of it all.
What a surprise! What a boss!
I'm speechless!
Tonight, out of the clear blue, my boss told me to go with her brother to the supermarket and buy some groceries. I really didn't need her to do that. I wasn't low on food. I've actually been in pretty good shape inspite of it all.
What a surprise! What a boss!
I'm speechless!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I saw my mother do something like this
I'm not complaining. I think it's pretty cool!
After she had, obviously, been to Arby's to purchase some "buy one get one free" roast beef sandwiches, and after she had gone to another store (probably a "day old bread" store) to buy some burger buns, and after she brought all that home she took some of the meat off of each Arby's sandwich and spread it onto each of the empty burger buns.
Did your Mom ever do something like that?
After she had, obviously, been to Arby's to purchase some "buy one get one free" roast beef sandwiches, and after she had gone to another store (probably a "day old bread" store) to buy some burger buns, and after she brought all that home she took some of the meat off of each Arby's sandwich and spread it onto each of the empty burger buns.
Did your Mom ever do something like that?
Monday, April 2, 2012
I didn't come to this country to make fun of it!
I didn't come to this country to criticize and / or make fun of the people that have lived in it all their lives.
I didn't come here to criticize and / or make fun of customs and /or cultural matters.
I am the guest-worker in this country. I owe its people gratitude and respect.
It is my job to live, learn, get used to it, or move on.
It is my job to adapt.
It doesn't matter how differently people behave here nor what their mindsets are like. It's their country that is rich in its own history and cultural development. Sure, I can share of my own culture and customs. I can hope we can share and benefit from each other. Still, it's my task to adapt.
There is NO reason for why I (or anyone else) should expect everything here to be like it is in my own country. If somethings are similar (or even the same), then it's my blessing to count not my righteousness to affirm.
I didn't come here to criticize and / or make fun of customs and /or cultural matters.
I am the guest-worker in this country. I owe its people gratitude and respect.
It is my job to live, learn, get used to it, or move on.
It is my job to adapt.
It doesn't matter how differently people behave here nor what their mindsets are like. It's their country that is rich in its own history and cultural development. Sure, I can share of my own culture and customs. I can hope we can share and benefit from each other. Still, it's my task to adapt.
There is NO reason for why I (or anyone else) should expect everything here to be like it is in my own country. If somethings are similar (or even the same), then it's my blessing to count not my righteousness to affirm.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Show me the intelligence you're using.
Don't bother me by cursing something (damn this, damn that, f!!! this, f!!! that) if / when you cannot (won't), with equal passion, and with loads of intelligence shown on all sides of the equation, suggest solutions (not generalities) to whatever the problem is.
Please don't tell me that "someone oughta do something." Propose exactly what it is that someone ought to do, and explain why you think (from A to Z) your proposal will work.
Why do you think _____________ is wrong?
Why do you think _____________ is correct?
Why do you think _____________ is the way it oughta be?
Get it?
Oh! Please show me the intelligence you're using. I'd like to srutinize it a bit!
Ok! Ok! If you don't understand something, say that! If you want to understand something, "ask, knock, and seek" for understanding (as thorough as you wish).
Please don't tell me that "someone oughta do something." Propose exactly what it is that someone ought to do, and explain why you think (from A to Z) your proposal will work.
Why do you think _____________ is wrong?
Why do you think _____________ is correct?
Why do you think _____________ is the way it oughta be?
Get it?
Oh! Please show me the intelligence you're using. I'd like to srutinize it a bit!
Ok! Ok! If you don't understand something, say that! If you want to understand something, "ask, knock, and seek" for understanding (as thorough as you wish).
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Stop sugar coating everything!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Common Sense
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18. (Albert Einstein).
Common blindness perhaps?
Common blindness perhaps?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
"Christian or atheist, which is it?"
Must it be an either-or situation? How wise are the extremes or all the degrees in between? Who really knows?
Have Christians always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Christianity? Have they argued well... against atheism?
Have Atheists always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Atheism? Have they argued well... against Christianity?
What makes an authentic Christian? Atheist?
Can a Christian be as foolish as an Atheist?
Can an Atheist be as wise as a Christian?
Are you a good Christian just because you boldly declare something like, "I'm not religious! I'm Christian! I'm saved?"
Are you a good Atheist just because you boldly declare something like, "There is no God, no devil, no spirits, no angels, no heaven, and no hell."
Can a Christian be atheistic about some beliefs, ideas, speculations about God.
Can an Atheist be "for Jesus?" and/or maybe even be "for God" in the sense that they are for the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth... about anything, and they want to avoid any form of "God of the gaps" kind of conclusions?
Does a Christian, or Atheist, really "muddy the water" when he avoids the extremes, recognizes merits in the degrees of mix in between the extremes?
Can there be heathy mixes of the two?
No, I've not been asking about Agnositicism, but go ahead a plug that one in too.
Have Christians always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Christianity? Have they argued well... against atheism?
Have Atheists always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Atheism? Have they argued well... against Christianity?
What makes an authentic Christian? Atheist?
Can a Christian be as foolish as an Atheist?
Can an Atheist be as wise as a Christian?
Are you a good Christian just because you boldly declare something like, "I'm not religious! I'm Christian! I'm saved?"
Are you a good Atheist just because you boldly declare something like, "There is no God, no devil, no spirits, no angels, no heaven, and no hell."
Can a Christian be atheistic about some beliefs, ideas, speculations about God.
Can an Atheist be "for Jesus?" and/or maybe even be "for God" in the sense that they are for the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth... about anything, and they want to avoid any form of "God of the gaps" kind of conclusions?
Does a Christian, or Atheist, really "muddy the water" when he avoids the extremes, recognizes merits in the degrees of mix in between the extremes?
Can there be heathy mixes of the two?
No, I've not been asking about Agnositicism, but go ahead a plug that one in too.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Your grandma had sex too, you know!
So, if I met a person who enjoys being with me, enjoys texting me, enjoys keeping up with me daily; and if we enjoyed going out for breakfast together, or dinner, or just coffee and dessert; and if we enjoyed hanging out doing almost nothing, walking in parks, or just walking around a city block or two while carrying on random conversations; if we're totally into each other, and if we enjoy hugging and kissing, sitting close, walking close, why! oh why! should it matter to anyone, anyone, ANYONE that we're the same gender???
Why would YOU allow yourself to be bothered by it. It's not like you, almost automatically at lightning speed, would allow yourself to venture into imaginations about what we might be doing in our private time. Or, would you?
Sometimes, actually often, I wonder if (acually I'm kinda convinced that) that's really the root of the problem. Yes! It is a problem! Why? Because so many people out there are making a lot of unnecessary trouble for others due to this root.
What is the "root?" Simple! It's that many individuals won't keep their minds on their own business. They won't stop themselves from pondering what other individuals are doing in their private times. Way down deep they've grown infatuated with their own tabloid sensationalized speculations about private times of other individuals. If that's not the case, then, seriously, what's the bother all about?
Many have said, "Well, the Bible says...." But, the truth is, they're simply using the Bible like a mirror to reflect their own prejudices back at them. They'd already decided to dislike something (before they'd ever read the Bible, let alone studied its contents), so while they were kinda reading it they found something that suggests "God's" opinion is the same as their own (so Hallelujah! must be on the right track!). I say it's either something like that, or it's something like this. They heard a preacher or a teacher or a broadcast person voice a mirror-image opinion back at them (so Hallelujah! must be on the right track!).
Suppose. Read the first paragraph above and just suppose that in the "private times" there is no sex. Why would you (or anyone) allow yourself (himself/ herself) to be bothered by the situations I described in same-gender scenarios? What problem is imposed upon you (or anyone) because of them? What injustices are imposed upon you (or anyone because of them)?
I can understand why you might not like people doing sex in front of you, but if people are not doing sex in front of you, then why would you allow yourself to be bothered by individuals of the same gender holding hands and walking together, and sharing their g-rated honest affections with each other?
Ok, so maybe you just don't like it. So what? Maybe I don't like seeing people eat certain foods. Maybe you don't like certain clothes. Maybe you don't like all sorts of other things that people do in public view. Maybe people don't like what you do. Still, I'll bet you don't want other people imposing their dislikes upon you, right?
I know all this is kinda abrupt, and the logic is not fine tuned, but I'll bet you get the gist. Why! oh why? won't people keep their minds out of gutters when thinking about Gay and Lesbians? Seriously, why! oh why? won't everyone support Gay Marriage and, well, not worry about what they do in private. If you you're not pondering what they do in private, what's the problem? You just don't like it?
Do you like the thought of your grandma having sex? How about your neighbors? How about people you go to church with? How about people you work with?
More than enough said!
Why would YOU allow yourself to be bothered by it. It's not like you, almost automatically at lightning speed, would allow yourself to venture into imaginations about what we might be doing in our private time. Or, would you?
Sometimes, actually often, I wonder if (acually I'm kinda convinced that) that's really the root of the problem. Yes! It is a problem! Why? Because so many people out there are making a lot of unnecessary trouble for others due to this root.
What is the "root?" Simple! It's that many individuals won't keep their minds on their own business. They won't stop themselves from pondering what other individuals are doing in their private times. Way down deep they've grown infatuated with their own tabloid sensationalized speculations about private times of other individuals. If that's not the case, then, seriously, what's the bother all about?
Many have said, "Well, the Bible says...." But, the truth is, they're simply using the Bible like a mirror to reflect their own prejudices back at them. They'd already decided to dislike something (before they'd ever read the Bible, let alone studied its contents), so while they were kinda reading it they found something that suggests "God's" opinion is the same as their own (so Hallelujah! must be on the right track!). I say it's either something like that, or it's something like this. They heard a preacher or a teacher or a broadcast person voice a mirror-image opinion back at them (so Hallelujah! must be on the right track!).
Suppose. Read the first paragraph above and just suppose that in the "private times" there is no sex. Why would you (or anyone) allow yourself (himself/ herself) to be bothered by the situations I described in same-gender scenarios? What problem is imposed upon you (or anyone) because of them? What injustices are imposed upon you (or anyone because of them)?
I can understand why you might not like people doing sex in front of you, but if people are not doing sex in front of you, then why would you allow yourself to be bothered by individuals of the same gender holding hands and walking together, and sharing their g-rated honest affections with each other?
Ok, so maybe you just don't like it. So what? Maybe I don't like seeing people eat certain foods. Maybe you don't like certain clothes. Maybe you don't like all sorts of other things that people do in public view. Maybe people don't like what you do. Still, I'll bet you don't want other people imposing their dislikes upon you, right?
I know all this is kinda abrupt, and the logic is not fine tuned, but I'll bet you get the gist. Why! oh why? won't people keep their minds out of gutters when thinking about Gay and Lesbians? Seriously, why! oh why? won't everyone support Gay Marriage and, well, not worry about what they do in private. If you you're not pondering what they do in private, what's the problem? You just don't like it?
Do you like the thought of your grandma having sex? How about your neighbors? How about people you go to church with? How about people you work with?
More than enough said!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Now, this is kind of a stupid blog.... Really, I was just sittin' in my chair when thoughts such as these just cropped up and took on a life of their own.
Chances are, before I have finished this ramble, I will have spewed out a few thoughtless words that come in handy when my laptop suddenly imposes massive grief upon me and my ever so diligence to use time wisely. Back in days of typewriters, I learned to punch out about seventy words a minute, error free, on one of those big heavy Olympia manual typewriters. Back then, typing on a manual type writer included using your left hand to push the carriage back with every line you typed. Now days, there is no carriage return. Just hit "enter" with your right pinkie and keep going. Of course, we don't call it "typing" these days. We call it "keyboarding." Anyway, way back in "typing" class, I learned how to type without looking at the keys. In class, the letters weren't imprinted on the keys, so it did little good for a student to look at the keys anyway. So, these days, my habit is to let my fingers do the walking, rather than pounding, ever so quickly and gracefully on these soft keys. I guess, on a good day, I can get over hundred words tapped out in every minute IF, IF, IF the desktop or the lap top is cooperating with me. Remember, my style is to "type" away without looking the keys. Usually, I'm not looking at the screen either. I'm just plugging away tapping out whatever is in my mind to put on the page, and this laptop I'm using now does some of the damnedest things when I'm not looking. God! I hate it when it does that!
For example, it leaves out letters that I know, sure as hell, that I pressed on the keyboard. Also, in a split second, without warning, it deletes entire paragraphs (remember, I'm not looking). Sometimes, I notice that split second when that happens, and out of my mouth flows "Dammit!" But at other times, I don't notice the omissions until three, four, five paragraphs, or a few pages, or a few days LATER. Then, it's like SHIT! DAMN! DANGIT! etc., etc. Those thoughtless words that come in handy don't solve the problem, but, HELL YEA they do, they do, they DO help get that honest rage vented, and so I would even say they are a little therapeutic in that spit second of exasperation.
Now, usually, there's no one around when such therapeutic vocabulary spews out of my mouth. But that's not always a good thing. Yea, I have enough self-control to "keep my mouth shut," say when my mom, or a child, or my boss, or a co-worker is in the room, but that's not nearly as therapeutic, is it?
But, you know what? I don't even call that use of those words "profanity." I don't call it "cussin'" or "saying bad words" either.
To me, "profanity" is "nonsense flowing out of someones mouth, or being said as they are writing / typing, that's being pushed as faithfully representing the truth." Get it? It's what many of us often call "bullshit," and the word "bullshit" isn't profane when it pretty much, in a metaphoric way, nails it. I've heard "profanity" coming from church pulpits, college lecturns, people who rarely, if ever, use the "four letter word" variety, and even sweet old men and women.
Now, I do wish my daughter (Hey Divina!) would clean up her mouth! I really think she is intelligent enough to use more sophisticated vocabulary than she sometimes does, and I would rather her children not hear (or read) her cuss words. But, she's a big girl, has a mind of her own, and she doesn't not need me telling her what to do.
But, as my opinion would have it, "four letter words" are NOT necessarily profanity, and profanity is not necessarily the use of "four letter words." Profanity can, and often is, voiced and written in so many other ways and can be so much more replusive than the "four letter word" variety.
As far as the "four letter word" variety goes (and I know some of them contain more than four letters), here are some, along with some of my commentary, that, as far as being truthful goes, can nail it pretty good and, so, don't have to be thought of as profane.
Hell: When I say it, it can mean that place where we'll go if we don't go to Heaven. It can also mean "trouble," as in "They raised hell last night," or it can mean "trouble is brewing or has been made" as in "Oh hell! She's gonna be mad." Sometimes, it means "that world totally void of logic, truth, and meaning (in a word, nonsense)," as in "They finished with a hellish conclusion after wandering all over hell." Other times, it can mean, "fury," as in "He was angrier than hell." Sometimes, I think preachers and pious people are glad to be able to say this one quite liberally.
Damn: When I say it, it usually means (to put it mildly) "I don't approve," as in "DAMN!" But, sometimes, it can mean "Wow!"
Damned: When I say it, it usually means "ruined." For example, "That was a damned argument." or "It sounds like you've got a damned mouth." But sometimes, I use it as an adjective of emphasis as in "That doesn't mean a damned thing to me." This is another one that I think preachers like to say. Well, if it's in the Bible, they can say it, right?
Dammit: When I say it, I usually say it forcefully (although not necessarily loudly). It indicates that I'm blaming something, or someone, for an inconvenience imposed upon me. Usually, "DAMMIT." is a complete sentence.
Dayum: This is the way many southerners say "damn."
Darn: This is a polite (perhaps) way to say "damn."
Darned: This is a polite way to say "damned," (when it has nothing to do with putting socks together) but it sure would, likely, be funny to hear preachers say, "Those who don't believe shall be darned."
Durn: This is a polite way, but not as polite as "darn" to say "damned."
Shit: This can refer to feces produced by any living creature, but, like "Damn!" when I say it, it usually means "I don't approve." For many people, though, it can be kind of an all purpose word for just about any noun.
Sheeit: This is the way many southerners say "Shit."
Shoot: "Shit"
Crap: "Shit"
Bullshit: As I mentoned before, this term usually means "nonsense."
Bullcrap: This is a polite way to say "Shit" or "Bullshit."
Fuck: Sometimes this refers to sexual intercourse, generally, or penile penetration, specifically. I usually don't use this word, but it seems to mean the same damned thing as "Damn!" or "Go to hell!"
Fucked: This is past tense of "fuck," and can mean "ruined."
Fucking: Present active tense or a gerund. It, like "damned," may be used as an adjective of emphasis as in "Not a fucking thing."
God damned: Sometimes, this means, "God has damned" this or that. The only time I use this one is when I think it's literally true about something.
goddam: This makes "God damned" seem a tiny bit more polite.
bitch: This might refer to a female canine creature (dog, fox, wolf, etc), but it might be used to refer to "griping," or to a very pronouced negative attitude.
"Ass" is in the Bible too.
Anyway, these are not my preferred words of choice. Usually, I avoid using them. But, I ain't gonna lie to you by telling you that I've never used them. Fact is, they've been handy at helping to "nail it" at times.
Chances are, before I have finished this ramble, I will have spewed out a few thoughtless words that come in handy when my laptop suddenly imposes massive grief upon me and my ever so diligence to use time wisely. Back in days of typewriters, I learned to punch out about seventy words a minute, error free, on one of those big heavy Olympia manual typewriters. Back then, typing on a manual type writer included using your left hand to push the carriage back with every line you typed. Now days, there is no carriage return. Just hit "enter" with your right pinkie and keep going. Of course, we don't call it "typing" these days. We call it "keyboarding." Anyway, way back in "typing" class, I learned how to type without looking at the keys. In class, the letters weren't imprinted on the keys, so it did little good for a student to look at the keys anyway. So, these days, my habit is to let my fingers do the walking, rather than pounding, ever so quickly and gracefully on these soft keys. I guess, on a good day, I can get over hundred words tapped out in every minute IF, IF, IF the desktop or the lap top is cooperating with me. Remember, my style is to "type" away without looking the keys. Usually, I'm not looking at the screen either. I'm just plugging away tapping out whatever is in my mind to put on the page, and this laptop I'm using now does some of the damnedest things when I'm not looking. God! I hate it when it does that!
For example, it leaves out letters that I know, sure as hell, that I pressed on the keyboard. Also, in a split second, without warning, it deletes entire paragraphs (remember, I'm not looking). Sometimes, I notice that split second when that happens, and out of my mouth flows "Dammit!" But at other times, I don't notice the omissions until three, four, five paragraphs, or a few pages, or a few days LATER. Then, it's like SHIT! DAMN! DANGIT! etc., etc. Those thoughtless words that come in handy don't solve the problem, but, HELL YEA they do, they do, they DO help get that honest rage vented, and so I would even say they are a little therapeutic in that spit second of exasperation.
Now, usually, there's no one around when such therapeutic vocabulary spews out of my mouth. But that's not always a good thing. Yea, I have enough self-control to "keep my mouth shut," say when my mom, or a child, or my boss, or a co-worker is in the room, but that's not nearly as therapeutic, is it?
But, you know what? I don't even call that use of those words "profanity." I don't call it "cussin'" or "saying bad words" either.
To me, "profanity" is "nonsense flowing out of someones mouth, or being said as they are writing / typing, that's being pushed as faithfully representing the truth." Get it? It's what many of us often call "bullshit," and the word "bullshit" isn't profane when it pretty much, in a metaphoric way, nails it. I've heard "profanity" coming from church pulpits, college lecturns, people who rarely, if ever, use the "four letter word" variety, and even sweet old men and women.
Now, I do wish my daughter (Hey Divina!) would clean up her mouth! I really think she is intelligent enough to use more sophisticated vocabulary than she sometimes does, and I would rather her children not hear (or read) her cuss words. But, she's a big girl, has a mind of her own, and she doesn't not need me telling her what to do.
But, as my opinion would have it, "four letter words" are NOT necessarily profanity, and profanity is not necessarily the use of "four letter words." Profanity can, and often is, voiced and written in so many other ways and can be so much more replusive than the "four letter word" variety.
As far as the "four letter word" variety goes (and I know some of them contain more than four letters), here are some, along with some of my commentary, that, as far as being truthful goes, can nail it pretty good and, so, don't have to be thought of as profane.
Hell: When I say it, it can mean that place where we'll go if we don't go to Heaven. It can also mean "trouble," as in "They raised hell last night," or it can mean "trouble is brewing or has been made" as in "Oh hell! She's gonna be mad." Sometimes, it means "that world totally void of logic, truth, and meaning (in a word, nonsense)," as in "They finished with a hellish conclusion after wandering all over hell." Other times, it can mean, "fury," as in "He was angrier than hell." Sometimes, I think preachers and pious people are glad to be able to say this one quite liberally.
Damn: When I say it, it usually means (to put it mildly) "I don't approve," as in "DAMN!" But, sometimes, it can mean "Wow!"
Damned: When I say it, it usually means "ruined." For example, "That was a damned argument." or "It sounds like you've got a damned mouth." But sometimes, I use it as an adjective of emphasis as in "That doesn't mean a damned thing to me." This is another one that I think preachers like to say. Well, if it's in the Bible, they can say it, right?
Dammit: When I say it, I usually say it forcefully (although not necessarily loudly). It indicates that I'm blaming something, or someone, for an inconvenience imposed upon me. Usually, "DAMMIT." is a complete sentence.
Dayum: This is the way many southerners say "damn."
Darn: This is a polite (perhaps) way to say "damn."
Darned: This is a polite way to say "damned," (when it has nothing to do with putting socks together) but it sure would, likely, be funny to hear preachers say, "Those who don't believe shall be darned."
Durn: This is a polite way, but not as polite as "darn" to say "damned."
Shit: This can refer to feces produced by any living creature, but, like "Damn!" when I say it, it usually means "I don't approve." For many people, though, it can be kind of an all purpose word for just about any noun.
Sheeit: This is the way many southerners say "Shit."
Shoot: "Shit"
Crap: "Shit"
Bullshit: As I mentoned before, this term usually means "nonsense."
Bullcrap: This is a polite way to say "Shit" or "Bullshit."
Fuck: Sometimes this refers to sexual intercourse, generally, or penile penetration, specifically. I usually don't use this word, but it seems to mean the same damned thing as "Damn!" or "Go to hell!"
Fucked: This is past tense of "fuck," and can mean "ruined."
Fucking: Present active tense or a gerund. It, like "damned," may be used as an adjective of emphasis as in "Not a fucking thing."
God damned: Sometimes, this means, "God has damned" this or that. The only time I use this one is when I think it's literally true about something.
goddam: This makes "God damned" seem a tiny bit more polite.
bitch: This might refer to a female canine creature (dog, fox, wolf, etc), but it might be used to refer to "griping," or to a very pronouced negative attitude.
"Ass" is in the Bible too.
Anyway, these are not my preferred words of choice. Usually, I avoid using them. But, I ain't gonna lie to you by telling you that I've never used them. Fact is, they've been handy at helping to "nail it" at times.
communication hell,
대한민국 경상북도 구미시
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Some things you should know
* I post whatever I post due to my own reasons and for my own purposes, and, most likely, I don't state what those reasons and purposes are. Sometimes my purpose is to be sarcastic. Sometimes it's to inform. Sometimes it is to take an opponents side and argue for the case he / she has supported. Sometimes it's to be plain silly. Sometimes, it's for any number of other purposes. Whatever! These are MY blogs.
* If you are a child, I would think you should not be here.
* Most likely, I'll use a first person perspective. This is what I think right now. This is my feeling. This is my opinion. I saw it this way. If you have been a part of any situation I write about, and if you have another perspective to add, then, by all means, add it and speak for yourself. I welcome that.
* I'll make no attempt to keep everything chronological.
* Feel free to point out grammar errors and misspellings. It may be awhile before I get around to making corrections. So, make the corrections in your own mind, and don't worry about it too much. Ah hell! Go ahead and worry about it all your want!
* Ok. That's enough for now. If I think of something else I wanna put here, I'll do it.
* I post whatever I post due to my own reasons and for my own purposes, and, most likely, I don't state what those reasons and purposes are. Sometimes my purpose is to be sarcastic. Sometimes it's to inform. Sometimes it is to take an opponents side and argue for the case he / she has supported. Sometimes it's to be plain silly. Sometimes, it's for any number of other purposes. Whatever! These are MY blogs.
* If you are a child, I would think you should not be here.
* Most likely, I'll use a first person perspective. This is what I think right now. This is my feeling. This is my opinion. I saw it this way. If you have been a part of any situation I write about, and if you have another perspective to add, then, by all means, add it and speak for yourself. I welcome that.
* I'll make no attempt to keep everything chronological.
* Feel free to point out grammar errors and misspellings. It may be awhile before I get around to making corrections. So, make the corrections in your own mind, and don't worry about it too much. Ah hell! Go ahead and worry about it all your want!
* Ok. That's enough for now. If I think of something else I wanna put here, I'll do it.
my blogs,
my mistakes,
my opinions,
my perspectives,
ron batson,
ronald batson
대한민국 경상북도 구미시
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I've been in a sour mood today.
Ok. Ok. I've kinda been in a bit of a sour mood today. Actually, it's been several days. Usually, I don't like to get online to bitch and whine about stuff. I prefer to put a positive spin on things, and just roll with the punches as best as I can. My attitude isn't any different now. I'm not really wanting to bitch and whine so much as I just wanting to be honest and vent a bit.
This is the first blog type type thing I've done after many years. I mean I've had a Youtube channel since 2006, and I've posted over 1000 videos there. But, I've not written so much nor posted pictures as I'll probably do as these blogs continue. Once upon a time, I had a blog site full of pictures, lesson plans, instructions I used for my classes, directions for how to do things, but I got in trouble because in the midst of all my pictures, I guess I had posted over 1000, I had a few pictures of me wearing beach wear on a tropical island. Some parents -- very dumbass, over re-acting, control freak kind of parents of some very obnoxious, dumbass (not to mention fat assed) students -- saw the pictures (about six of them in all) and flew way off the handle about it. My posting them was definitely a mistake on my part. What happened is that I used a super fast picture uploader that could upload an entire CD's worth of pictures without my having to click on each individual picture. So, I uploaded all my travel pictures from the previous summer without scrutinizing them (I know! I know! I should have! But I'm not apologizing for anything, because they were harmless pictures. None of my private body parts were showing.) and I knew my eighth graders were, behind my back, avidly looking for any opportunity they could find to do sneak peaks on pornographic sights and they often forgot to close windows after they forgot they had minimized them and, obviously, had forgotten to shut down their computer stations.
Oh! BTW: in case you haven't noticed, I tend to get long winded and wordy. I tend to jump from one topic to another. I tend to write like I talk. Get used to it if you decide to read more.
Anyway, so I uploaded a CD full of vacation pictures and a parent or two began to raise some hell about six of them. I had totally forgotten about those pictures being on that CD. Never mind that the rest of the blog site was pretty damned good. I mean teachers from all over the state had complemented me about it after having gotten some ideas from my pages. Not only that but my blog site had the blessings of my administrators. I was proud of it, and I told everyone about it. I posted the link to it on every syllabus I used for my classes for several years. On it, I had posted recipes, pictures of student work, travel pictures that highlighted other cultures in other countries. Six pictures of me and friends in beachwear -- you know swim wear. Yes my chest was showing! No my dick was not showing! No my ass was not showing! Noones ass or dick or breasts were showing. BEACHWEAR on beaches for crying out loud! Sheesh!
Anyway, I was told I could resign, or I could go through the full termination process. I chose to resign, not because I felt I was wrong about anything. I didn't, and I still don't! I resigned because I honestly didn't want to work for what I would call a morally inept group of people. Get this! This same school system slapped wrists of teachers who got into literal altercations (sometimes called "fights") with one another in front of students. This same school system had already been exposed for buying dozens of cell phones and not using them. I had many years of perfect attendance. I had been honored twice in "Who's Who." I had been runner up for teacher of the year several times. SIX LAME HARMLESS PICTURES! Yea, I've got a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it. Yea, I should've anticipated such damnable reactions.
Anyway, I deleted the whole thing. Now I kinda wish I hadn't done so, but I did, so.... But that happened years ago. So why am I in a sour mood today.
Remember, I'm venting!
First let me say I love working here. I love living here. Since I arrived here in 2008, I've not needed a car of my own to get anywhere. I've been able to get anything I've needed within walking distance. I been able to rely on taxis, buses, trains, and planes to go for longer distances. My students have made teaching a joy. Most of the people with whom I've interacted have been friendly and helpful.
In October, 2008 I came to South Korea to teach English. I had accepted a position in a small town near a military base and surrounded by farms. The school's directors began taking good care of me from the start.
But, suddenly, after three years, things started going downhill. Two weeks before the school closed, I was asked,
"Didn't they tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"We're closing the school at the end of the month." (in two weeks).
"No. They didn't tell me."
I already knew the school was facing a crisis, but not this. I knew that they had to be out of the building "by May" due to financial problems had by the owner of the building. So, I had "May" in mind and had already begun to apply for documents from the USA in order to keep my visa alive. It had been well known that getting all the documents could take several months to accomplish, and the documents must be no more than six months old when you turn them in. Now, one of my school's directors was telling me that the school would close in TWO WEEKS.
They were kind enough to help me enlist the help of a company manager to help me find a new position, and he was kind enough to land me a position within a few days. But, they hadn't yet finished paying me for January and it was now close to the end of February.
I know they tried their best to pay me all they could. But, as it has turned out so far, I've receive no salary for February and no severence pay (they owed me 3 years worth). All in all, it amounts to about 10,000,000 wons that I've not received.
Well, my diplomas arrived at my new boss's address. That's a good thing. But, when we took them to the local immigrations office, they told us that I needed my FBI background check within 30 days. WHAT????
Back in January, I was told that I would not need that until September when my alien registration was due to expire.
Well, to be on the safe side, I applied for the FBI background check anyway. I got the fingerprints made and sent them to my sister (because I don't have a credit card, and it was cheaper to ask her to have money orders made to take care of the fees. I would send her the cash to cover it all.). The package she sent which had a pre-paid, self-addressed envelope, the fingerprints, the application, and the moneyorder to take care of the fee arrived at the FBI office on March 1, 2012.
Now it is March 10, 2012, and my sister has not yet received the background checks from the FBI Office. She has to send them off to another agency to have apostiles placed on them, and she is ready to do that.
I was told a few days ago (March 8) that I have 30 days to turn the apostiled background check to the immigrations office here. That is gnawing on my mind.
Yes, my sister has tried to contact our US Representative to put a RUSH on this. Yes! I have sent emails to the office of the same US Representative explaining the situation. Yes, we will ask my mom to call this office and bug the hell out of them to get a RUSH on this order. Why shouldn't we? They've already had the order since March 1, 2012!
In addition to all this, I've sent text messages to my former boss to find out when they stopped paying into Korea's national pension fund held for me. The report I have (which I knew nothing about until a couple days ago) was mailed to the address of my former school. Why was it mailed there and not to me? The report was dated November, 2010, and it shows monthly payments up to then. Where is the report for 2011? I want to know how much is in the pension fund. So far, my former boss has not replied.
I just want my FBI background reports to arrive SOON, so I can keep working my job and simply get on with living my life.
This is the first blog type type thing I've done after many years. I mean I've had a Youtube channel since 2006, and I've posted over 1000 videos there. But, I've not written so much nor posted pictures as I'll probably do as these blogs continue. Once upon a time, I had a blog site full of pictures, lesson plans, instructions I used for my classes, directions for how to do things, but I got in trouble because in the midst of all my pictures, I guess I had posted over 1000, I had a few pictures of me wearing beach wear on a tropical island. Some parents -- very dumbass, over re-acting, control freak kind of parents of some very obnoxious, dumbass (not to mention fat assed) students -- saw the pictures (about six of them in all) and flew way off the handle about it. My posting them was definitely a mistake on my part. What happened is that I used a super fast picture uploader that could upload an entire CD's worth of pictures without my having to click on each individual picture. So, I uploaded all my travel pictures from the previous summer without scrutinizing them (I know! I know! I should have! But I'm not apologizing for anything, because they were harmless pictures. None of my private body parts were showing.) and I knew my eighth graders were, behind my back, avidly looking for any opportunity they could find to do sneak peaks on pornographic sights and they often forgot to close windows after they forgot they had minimized them and, obviously, had forgotten to shut down their computer stations.
Oh! BTW: in case you haven't noticed, I tend to get long winded and wordy. I tend to jump from one topic to another. I tend to write like I talk. Get used to it if you decide to read more.
Anyway, so I uploaded a CD full of vacation pictures and a parent or two began to raise some hell about six of them. I had totally forgotten about those pictures being on that CD. Never mind that the rest of the blog site was pretty damned good. I mean teachers from all over the state had complemented me about it after having gotten some ideas from my pages. Not only that but my blog site had the blessings of my administrators. I was proud of it, and I told everyone about it. I posted the link to it on every syllabus I used for my classes for several years. On it, I had posted recipes, pictures of student work, travel pictures that highlighted other cultures in other countries. Six pictures of me and friends in beachwear -- you know swim wear. Yes my chest was showing! No my dick was not showing! No my ass was not showing! Noones ass or dick or breasts were showing. BEACHWEAR on beaches for crying out loud! Sheesh!
Anyway, I was told I could resign, or I could go through the full termination process. I chose to resign, not because I felt I was wrong about anything. I didn't, and I still don't! I resigned because I honestly didn't want to work for what I would call a morally inept group of people. Get this! This same school system slapped wrists of teachers who got into literal altercations (sometimes called "fights") with one another in front of students. This same school system had already been exposed for buying dozens of cell phones and not using them. I had many years of perfect attendance. I had been honored twice in "Who's Who." I had been runner up for teacher of the year several times. SIX LAME HARMLESS PICTURES! Yea, I've got a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it. Yea, I should've anticipated such damnable reactions.
Anyway, I deleted the whole thing. Now I kinda wish I hadn't done so, but I did, so.... But that happened years ago. So why am I in a sour mood today.
Remember, I'm venting!
First let me say I love working here. I love living here. Since I arrived here in 2008, I've not needed a car of my own to get anywhere. I've been able to get anything I've needed within walking distance. I been able to rely on taxis, buses, trains, and planes to go for longer distances. My students have made teaching a joy. Most of the people with whom I've interacted have been friendly and helpful.
In October, 2008 I came to South Korea to teach English. I had accepted a position in a small town near a military base and surrounded by farms. The school's directors began taking good care of me from the start.
But, suddenly, after three years, things started going downhill. Two weeks before the school closed, I was asked,
"Didn't they tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"We're closing the school at the end of the month." (in two weeks).
"No. They didn't tell me."
I already knew the school was facing a crisis, but not this. I knew that they had to be out of the building "by May" due to financial problems had by the owner of the building. So, I had "May" in mind and had already begun to apply for documents from the USA in order to keep my visa alive. It had been well known that getting all the documents could take several months to accomplish, and the documents must be no more than six months old when you turn them in. Now, one of my school's directors was telling me that the school would close in TWO WEEKS.
They were kind enough to help me enlist the help of a company manager to help me find a new position, and he was kind enough to land me a position within a few days. But, they hadn't yet finished paying me for January and it was now close to the end of February.
I know they tried their best to pay me all they could. But, as it has turned out so far, I've receive no salary for February and no severence pay (they owed me 3 years worth). All in all, it amounts to about 10,000,000 wons that I've not received.
Well, my diplomas arrived at my new boss's address. That's a good thing. But, when we took them to the local immigrations office, they told us that I needed my FBI background check within 30 days. WHAT????
Back in January, I was told that I would not need that until September when my alien registration was due to expire.
Well, to be on the safe side, I applied for the FBI background check anyway. I got the fingerprints made and sent them to my sister (because I don't have a credit card, and it was cheaper to ask her to have money orders made to take care of the fees. I would send her the cash to cover it all.). The package she sent which had a pre-paid, self-addressed envelope, the fingerprints, the application, and the moneyorder to take care of the fee arrived at the FBI office on March 1, 2012.
Now it is March 10, 2012, and my sister has not yet received the background checks from the FBI Office. She has to send them off to another agency to have apostiles placed on them, and she is ready to do that.
I was told a few days ago (March 8) that I have 30 days to turn the apostiled background check to the immigrations office here. That is gnawing on my mind.
Yes, my sister has tried to contact our US Representative to put a RUSH on this. Yes! I have sent emails to the office of the same US Representative explaining the situation. Yes, we will ask my mom to call this office and bug the hell out of them to get a RUSH on this order. Why shouldn't we? They've already had the order since March 1, 2012!
In addition to all this, I've sent text messages to my former boss to find out when they stopped paying into Korea's national pension fund held for me. The report I have (which I knew nothing about until a couple days ago) was mailed to the address of my former school. Why was it mailed there and not to me? The report was dated November, 2010, and it shows monthly payments up to then. Where is the report for 2011? I want to know how much is in the pension fund. So far, my former boss has not replied.
I just want my FBI background reports to arrive SOON, so I can keep working my job and simply get on with living my life.
mood swing,
south korea,
대한민국 경상북도 구미시
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