Must it be an either-or situation? How wise are the extremes or all the degrees in between? Who really knows?
Have Christians always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Christianity? Have they argued well... against atheism?
Have Atheists always argued well, through their speech, writing, and actions for Atheism? Have they argued well... against Christianity?
What makes an authentic Christian? Atheist?
Can a Christian be as foolish as an Atheist?
Can an Atheist be as wise as a Christian?
Are you a good Christian just because you boldly declare something like, "I'm not religious! I'm Christian! I'm saved?"
Are you a good Atheist just because you boldly declare something like, "There is no God, no devil, no spirits, no angels, no heaven, and no hell."
Can a Christian be atheistic about some beliefs, ideas, speculations about God.
Can an Atheist be "for Jesus?" and/or maybe even be "for God" in the sense that they are for the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth... about anything, and they want to avoid any form of "God of the gaps" kind of conclusions?
Does a Christian, or Atheist, really "muddy the water" when he avoids the extremes, recognizes merits in the degrees of mix in between the extremes?
Can there be heathy mixes of the two?
No, I've not been asking about Agnositicism, but go ahead a plug that one in too.
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